oio publisher review

Last Updated on November 14, 2022 by Profitable Mommy Blogging

OIO Publisher Review

January 14, 2009 by Kelly

This is a guest post from Courtney Chowning of Mom Giveaways :)

The main source of income on my blog, Mom Giveaways, is selling advertising spaces directly. At first it was a very time consuming and tedious task by having to keep track of whose ad goes where and when the ad should go up or come down. I wanted to automate the process so that I could have more time working on other aspects of the site. One of the best decisions I ever made was purchasing OIO Publisher to handle my advertising.

OIO Publisher is a tool that allows you to sell ads directly on your site. It can be used on almost any website, not just blogs, and not only can you use it for to sell ad space, but also for paid blog posts, ebooks, special reports, or audio products. It also has an affiliate module to your enable to allow readers to sign-up and help promote and sell your ad spaces or information product.

I just recently started using the affiliate module for the Featured Giveaway Listings at Mom Giveaways. The module is very basic but it does the job and you don’t have to pay another site to handle it for you.

If you are using WordPress installation is a breeze with a downloadable plugin that you can install. If you don’t use WordPress that is ok, because you can download the script itself and then install it on your site. Once you have the script or plugin installed on your site setting it up is easy to do. Just indicate the number and type of ads you want to sell and then place a tiny bit of code on the page where you want the ad to be displayed. On my site I placed the code in my sidebar.php file so that the ads will appear at the top of my sidebar.

OIO Publisher keeps track of when an ad is active and automatically deactivates an ad after a specified time period. Stats are also recorded and you have the option to send your customer weekly reports showing the number of impressions and clicks their ad has had. You are also able to customize the sells form and all email templates.

While OIO Publish is not free, it costs $47, it is well worth the cost in my opinion. I purchased the plugin back when it was first released and I was able to get my costs back pretty quickly through ad sells. OIO Publish has been a life and time saver for me.

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